Alexis Grieve, The Urban Langua gesphere: Chisinau as the Modern Bi-lingual/Bi-alphabetical City.  2011


Meaghan Thurston, The Art of Placing: Visualising Home and Memory. 2010


Anna Mcgrenaghan, The Fragmented Body: A Theoretical Dissection of its Parts. 2010


David Bell, Violent Visions: The Imagery of Abu Ghraib. 2009


Fiona Hanley, Practicing poetic theory: ‘Speaking Nearby’ Trinh T. Minh-ha’. 2010


Rebecca Salois, Invisible Qianmen: A Study in Reading the Chinese City Focused on Beijing's Qianmen Neighbourhood. 2008



MSc by RESEARCH (Architecture/Cultural Studies)


Piotr Lesniak, The Post-Socialist City and the Methodologies of Urban Research. 2011



MSc THE CITY (research supervised in Cultural Studies)


Kaitlyn Hay, Icon of Temporality: Documenting Battersea Power Station. 2011


Robert Pott,  (De)signing the Street: Learning from Leith Walk, Edinburgh. 2010


Sebastian Schmidt, Critical Objects: Travel as a Practice of Urban Research. 2009

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website by richard collins