Ella Chmielewska
MEng(ABD), BA(Hons), MUP, PhD (McGill)
University of Edinburgh
School of Architecture and Landscape
Senior Lecturer
Cultural and Visual Studies
Programme Director
MSc Cultural Studies
PhD/MPhil Cultural Studies
MA Architecture in Creative and Cultural Environments
+44 (0) 131 651 3736
How do objects and texts, places and spatial experiences, language forms and modes of inscription figure in visual landscapes and in visual practices? How do they inform our (visual) knowledges, cultural identities, and disciplinary (sup)positions?
My work focuses on the intersection of city, visuality and communication: relationships between image and text in public space; urban writing and place-marking (graffiti, inscriptions, and signage); place, memory and semiotic landscapes (practices of commemoration, representation and erasure); objects, materiality and place in visual culture.
In my visual practice and in writing, I use photography as a research tool, an active instrument of critical thinking as well as a medium of documentation and presentation.
In my research-led teaching, I consider the methodological potential of the visual essay, multimodal representations, curatorial practices in productively complicating the relationships between the disciplines of architecture and cultural studies. Both my research and critical pedagogy aim at thickening the in-between of visual practice and visual theory.
© culturalstudies@edinburgh 2013
website by richard collins