Linking urban culture, creative research methodologies, and critical thinking, our programme is focused on place, memory, and visuality. Adopting transcultural perspectives, we encourage investigations into the city as a site of cultural production and contestation; places of memory and cultures of forgetting; questions of identity and representation; urban cultural and semiotic landscapes; visual practices such as photography or street art, sequential art and innovative writing forms, museum culture and public art; visual knowledges and cultural criticism; exhibition design and curating.


Our programme is uniquely situated in the School of Architecture where relations between visuality and materiality of language, and tensions between spatial and textual practices can be investigated in novel and productive ways. Focusing on visual knowledges and critical attention to strategies of representation, our courses, such as Text and Context or Thinking in Movement, encourage experimentations in textual and visual forms of cultural research, materiality of the image, visual rhetoric and curatorial practices. 


Transdisciplinary and critical comparative approaches are key facets of our programme and we invite students coming from varied academic backgrounds and cultural traditions.


Our programme benefits greatly from its location: the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful and culturally rich cities of Europe.

It is the home of many world-renowned festivals and it offers splendid sites for cultural explorations: from the established scene of ‘high culture’ to its fringe cultural landscapes, alternative spaces and events. The city’s cultural life is vibrant around the year and we challenge you to make it part of your research context.





© culturalstudies@edinburgh 2013

website by richard collins